Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity

Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity at West Heath Primary School
Curriculum Intent

At West Heath Primary School we believe PE, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA) play a vital role in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young people.  Practical application through PE, School Sport and Physical Activity provides real life scenarios that encourage pupils to develop the skills that extend beyond the classroom and support their wider personal development.  Our school aim of children being physically active and leading a happy, healthy life is achieved through our PESSPA strategy.  


At West Heath Primary School, all pupils make outstanding progress in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.  All pupils have two hours of Physical Education each week, take part in the Daily Mile, have an enriching extra-curricular offer and the opportunity to take part in a range of sporting events, competition and festivals.  Our PESSPA strategy enables West Heath Primary School to achieve the whole school vision of ‘Be a Star… Shine Bright’ and our vision for Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity follows a Head (the thinking me), Heart (the felling me) and Hands (the doing me) approach to support the holistic development of a child.

Our PE Vision

“At West Heath Primary School, we recognise that all children are different.  Pupils have their own passions, interests and desires and take part on their own unique learning journey. Every child has different strengths, areas for improvement and reason to be championed.  Our Head, Heart, Hands approached ensures every child has equal opportunity to thrive and feel successful. This is done through our holistic approach to PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.


We recognise that children are children, they are adults in training and are not expected to be the ‘finished article’ yet.  However, they are expected to be working towards their personal best.  We believe children are children running the race of life, our job is to guide them through the race, without holding their hand and hope they keep running.”


Statutory Documentation