Physical Activity
Physical Activity
Physical activity involves bodily movements and physical actions that use energy. We believe that active lessons create active learners. All teachers at West Heath Primary School are responsible for making learning active and Staff CPD is centered around the importance of this. Our active learning strategy enables us to achieve our school aims and vision. It motivates pupils to buy-in to our school ethos, which mentally and physically affects their health and well-being. At West Heath Primary School, we encourage pupils to be physically active as much as possible throughout the school day. We use a range of strategies to achieve this:
The Daily Mile
West Heath Primary School uses the Daily Mile to improve pupils physical, social and emotional well-being. Staff and pupils take part in the Daily Mile everyday for 15 minutes.The Daily Mile is a social physical activity, with children choosing to run or walk at their own pace. Pupils at West Heath can become a Daily Mile ambassador by being physically active and completing the most amount of laps each week. Pupils are selected by their teacher each week to be nominated for their effort shown throughout the week.
Staff run with the children to show the importance that physical activity can have on young peoples well-being. This follows our whole school PESSPA strategy to continually up-skill our staff and show them the impact physical activity has on a pupils education.
Active Travel (Modeshift)
Modeshift aims to secure increased levels of safe, active and sustainable travel in business, education and community settings. West Heath Primary School see the value that physical activity has on the whole child. Pupils at West Heath Primary School are encouraged to walk to school everyday to help our environment and maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle.
Staff understanding and value being physically active and walk to work when they can, to help our school environment.
Active Lunch Time
Pupils at West Heath Primary School have a wide range of options at lunchtime. Our school site has been developed to ensure that pupils can be physically active and follow their love and passion for sport everyday. Each day pupils have access to;
- Football
- Basketball
- Tennis
- Dance
- Gymnastics
- Outdoor Adventure Climbing Frame
- Den Building
- Go-Karts
- Creative Play
- Art and Crafts
Through school sport and physical activity pupils can develop their skills and talents each day with their friends. Staff members are in charge of each area and can see the value that sport and physical activity has on a pupil.
Active Learning strategy
Staff at West Heath Primary School promote a love for learning by making lessons fun, active and engaging. Teachers use active learning in every lesson to immerse the children in the curriculum and create a desire to learn. Staff are provided with a variety of active learning strategy's to enhance their pedagogy in order to deliver high quality active learning lessons.
Brain Breaks
At West Heath we recognise that pupils need brain breaks during the day, ensuring that pupils can remained focused during their lessons. Brain breaks are quick structured breaks that encourage pupils to be physical active in a variety of different ways such as; Mindfulness, Yoga, Jump Start, Just Dance...